It was the first big extra event at the new location of the West Huntsville Church of Christ at Providence. There were 331 ladies (that number would include a few children) assembled to learn better how to militate against the forces that would steal the joy of Christianity from our homes and infiltrate for evil the precious souls of our children. It was 2.25 hours of intense teaching and the rest of the day was spent in singing, prayer and sweet fellowship. It was just the best ever kind of day. It was the best because it drew us together in a common determination to win this war against a culture given over to immorality. It was the best because its influence will penetrate lives not even present in years not yet upon us. Its full impact for good cannot be known this side of eternity. I know if you were present and left without a blessing, you did not bring your blessing bucket with you.
If you did not come, get out your blessing bucket now and take the time to listen to the lessons given by Sheila Butt at the “This is WAR!” seminar Saturday. Just click on the link, turn up the volume and enrich your life.
This is WAR! – Session 1 Audio
This is WAR! – Session 2 Audio
This is WAR! – Session 3 Audio
If you would like to order an audio CD or a professional DVD of these lessons the prices are as follows:
Set of all three audio CDs – $ 5.50
Set of videos on one DVD – $ 4.00
These prices include postage. Simple specify which items (CDs or DVDs) you want, specify how many of each you would like, and enclose your check. Send this order to West Huntsville Church of Christ at Providence, 1519 Old Monrovia Road, Huntsville, AL 35806. We will expedite your orders as quickly as we can. It’s our prayer that these lessons can do much good, for many people, for the lowest possible cost. That’s why we are offering these lessons at cost. So let’s get the word out. While we are at it, let’s get in the Word. Find below the link some of the suggestions submitted in a recent BYH contest for digging deeply in the Word.
“My tool for deep bible study is a combo of God’s Word and wise men of God with much knowledge and insight! Or wise women of God!”—Stacy Nance, Arlington, TN,
“My favorite deep Bible study tip is to get denominational literature and pamphlets then study and write out how to discuss the content of that literature with someone who gave it to you. Lots of issues are brought up that I wouldn’t typically think or study on without them being discussed in these pamphlets. When we lived in Smithville, TN the local circular ran a spot by a seventh day adventist group and I would read it every week then get into the scriptures to really study on the points that were discussed. I also like when I can get my hands on a Watchtower or something so I feel prepared for that knock on my door.”—Gina Simpson.