Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

I’ll Have Both

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Unknown-1I’ve heard all too often, recently, statements like “We need to quit talking about the specifics of doctrine and focus on the tragic problems those around us are facing,” or “I’m choosing to be part of this church that doesn’t always get it right about worship, but they get it right about love.” This set me to thinking about the many situations in which we convince ourselves we must choose between two commodities, when, in reality, the situations are not either/or scenarios.  The two commodities are not mutually exclusive and, often, they are both  required.  Just think about a few things that might fit into a list of non-exclusives. You’ll be richer if you know you can have both. 

  1. Meekness and backbone are not mutually exclusive (Numbers 12:3; Exodus 10:26).
  2. Rebuke and longsuffering are not mutually exclusive (II Timothy 4:2).
  3. Conviction and compassion are not mutually exclusive (I John 5:2-4).
  4. Sound teaching and kindness are not mutually exclusive (Ephesians 4:15).
  5. The accumulation of wealth and favor with God are not mutually exclusive (Gen. 13:2)
  6. Equality and submission are not mutually exclusive (Ephesians 5).
  7. Salvation by grace and salvation by works are not mutually exclusive (Ephesians 2:8; I Peter 3:21)
  8. Benevolence and accountability to a work ethic are not mutually exclusive (Matthew 25: 31-46; II Thess. 3:10-13).
  9. Love and withdrawal of fellowship are not mutually exclusive (II Thess. 3:5,6)
  10. Security in Christ and experiencing persecutions/trials are not mutually exclusive (I Peter 1:3-9).
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