Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

If Not Me, Who?

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You were seated next to someone who shared with you a sorrow.
You met a woman in the mall whose surgery is tomorrow.
Someone on your son’s team needs a ride home from the game.
And that woman on your email list needs prayer…what was her name?!
The coach said you could have a devo if someone would just plan it.
There’s a booth uptown to hand out tracts if someone could just man it.
Your  neighbor has a new baby.  She could use some help with dinner.
She’s really not religious…there’s a chance that you could win her.
There were visitors last Sunday . They sat just across the aisle.
But when you’d gathered up your things, they’d left;  that took a while.
You pray for missionaries who are in the “foreign fields”
You ask Him to guide, guard, direct and keep you in his Will.
You prayed along in worship that God would open up a door.
Can you not see them all ajar?  What could God do more?
There are places He will lead you with His providential hand.
Times when there’s a cause and only you can take a stand.
There are moments that are ripe for showing some lost soul the way;
Situations… conversations… words  just you can say.
Sometimes, the task is obvious, the job is yours to do.
The question begs of each of us , “O Lord, If not me…who?”

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