Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

I hope you can come…

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Every now and then, a digger or someone who is reading the blog asks me about the church of Christ: “What do you believe about ______?”  Perhaps most often, the question is “ Why do you not have a band or a piano in your praise?” Maybe you are local to Huntsville and you’d be interested to know more about the church of Christ. If you are only ever going to visit an assembly one time at West Huntsville, this would be a great time!

What you need to know is that there is no sense in which this church family is a denomination; no creed but the Bible, no hierarchy, no synod, or responsibility to follow any dictate from any board or diocese.

If you’re local to the Huntsville area, and you can come just once in your lifetime to hear this beautiful a cappella singing and have your questions answered, this next Sunday would be the time to investigate. The lesson that day will be a simple, Biblical overview and you will leave with an understanding of what this group is about. No money will be asked of you. You will be invited, but not pressured, to stay for lunch (but it’s always delicious and free and just a good time of talking, kids playing and an atmosphere you want those kids to love). There’s nothing about the day that will be awkward or make you “feel” like an obvious “visitor.” You won’t be asked to stand or speak or donate—at all.

There’s a really fun and free time together the day before, too. You can see details below. I’m speaking seven times from Thursday night till Saturday noon at another event in Tennessee, but I’m going to travel back as fast as I can to be at this cook-out/hayride/fun time on Saturday. My grandchildren think it’s an annual highlight. My nine-year-old grandson already asked “Will we get to have a hayride?”  Colleyanna is more about the face-painting. I REALLY hope all of my grandchildren will grow up in church families that think kids’ souls are worth the time and effort it takes to give them spiritual family and put the Word of God in them.  

Speaking of that, you will also see “KIDSING” on Sunday morning just before we begin our worship. I often hear people say “I’ve never seen children who know that much about the Bible!” It’s pretty phenomenal how they soak it up in this fun little ten-minute time with my husband. You’ll want to get there on time, so you can see KIDSING. Classes for the kids (and adults) will follow the morning worship. They will love those, too, if you can stay.

Okay, enough! I just wanted you to know. Maybe I’ll get to see you there. If you come on Saturday, be sure I get to meet you. I’ll be the one with big bags under my eyes. But those eyes will be so happy to see you!

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