Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Happy Anniversary, Baby?

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This really doesn’t need a commentary. I know that when you watch it, you will be as disturbed as was I about this PSA from the Center for Reproductive Rights on the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. It made my stomach churn as I was lying in bed last night…remembering the way he said the word “baby” no less than five times. It’s not just a commentary on the decision those men made 40 years ago in that relatively isolated courtroom. It’s about how the underbelly of a good nation has slowly turned into the mainstream of a nation gone awry.

This anniversary doesn’t look so good at all if one glances in the trash bin at abortion clinics and sees blood and broken limbs and hearts that were beating only a few hours ago. It doesn’t look so good when one meets Gianna Jessen, the victorious victim of a botched abortion. It doesn’t look so good to me when I counsel with women who are still suffering as moms and wives and sisters and daughters years down the road after they made the biggest mistake of their young lives and ended life in their own wombs. I try not to say the word “murdered” to these tortured women, but they always say it themselves. It doesn’t look so good when you look at a map of America and understand that the population we have killed is greater than the combined populations of 17 of our country’s heartland states. It doesn’t look so good when you think about hospital workers who have actually held tiny living, breathing, discarded babies until they breathed their last. It’s just not pretty when you try to wrap your mind around 55 million-plus dead people. It’s surely not pretty when you know our tax dollars have enabled, to a large extent, this human massacre. How can we, as a nation, continue to experience the longsuffering forbearance of God when we routinely murder a million babies or more each year?


Watch and weep. Then work– in your small way in your small world. Surely there is something you can do for the innocents who have no way to help themselves.

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