Glory starts now! I feel like we are, once again, after intensive labor, giving birth to a baby. It’s exciting to see how she will grow and where she will go. It’s surely not too late to invite a friend to do the study with you. Whose life would not be enriched by taking a few hours, at her own pace, each month for a year, concentrating on the glory of our Creator and Sustainer? And which of us should not want to give a little time, for the next year, in the quest of fulfilling the purpose for which we were made—to glorify the Source of our lives? I don’t know about you, but when I think, this morning, about the good man beside whom I awoke, about the children and grandchildren that are the tentacles through which I get to influence more broadly, about the relative physical safety and plenty with which I’m able to do my work and live out my days; but most of all, when I think about the place to which I’m going when they are all “lived out,” I conclude that no amount of time invested in His glory even approaches enough time. I know our list of great blessings varies from sister to sister, but surely we all have an inexhaustible one!
I want to welcome scores of new women to the study. It makes me smile each time I notice that someone’s been added or that someone new has dowloaded or ordered the study. Welcome to every woman who’s new and welcome back to every one who’s a veteran digger. A special shout-out today to those who have been along for the entire nine year ride. I’d love to see you all (nine-year veterans) comment on this thread over on my personal facebook page. It would be interesting to know the names of those who began the initial study with us back in the year 2011. A big shout-out to Pam Christopher and Cathy Swanson who have COMPLETED every single portion of every single year’s study. There may be others, but I am aware of only these two.
Next and most important today: All veterans need to be extremely aware that newcomers have not studied along and grown in every area as you have done during past studies. There are women, from all stations in life who may not have not been exposed to the same good teachings to which you have been exposed. There are women who are joining us from many different religious backgrounds, as well. All of us must remember that the eternal souls of those who study along may very well be impacted by this study of His glory. Therefore, it’s key that we proceed though the study with extreme courtesy, kindness, gentleness, patience and love (Wow…I think these are fruits of the Spirit!); especially now, as we launch into this year’s study. We will never compromise truth from His Word, but we will use wisdom as to when and how we deal with controversial subjects. We are not afraid of them, because we have the final Word of the Holy Spirit as the foundation of our study. He has given us clarity in all matters of salvation and has given us liberty in all matter of opinion. But let’s all be very careful in responding to those who may be joining us for the first time. Let’s not discourage their continued study by assuming they should know everything we’ve studied over the past nine years. Truth will emanate from the Word as we go along. But it will not do any good in the lives of women who have become frustrated at the very beginning of the study by those who might have been sharp or impatient with ladies who are digging for the first time. Let’s remember that we want them to hear the Lord say the words of this article’s title one glorious day: “Good morning!…and welcome to glory!”
Once again, here’s the link you need to get started:
I’m in daily prayer that our direction and focus will be just where He would have it to be. (any woman who joins the study before October 15th will have plenty of time to catch up and be with the group, but get as many as you can to jump in now!)
Now unto God and our Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen (Philippians 4:20).
If you have further questions, post them on the “Digging Deep in God’s Word” FB page. No question is silly. (Tech people would have given up on disseminating this DD material long ago if they were not extremely gracious to people like me who are way behind the curve!) Most of the time, someone else will be helped by the answer to your question.
And for any new person who’s wondering “How do you even know if you are getting the answers right?”…the ladies in the group are so good to help each other and I try to be watchful, also, to help clarify when it might be unclear exactly what’s the “right” answer. Sometimes, there’s no right answer and all of our answers will be different. The podcast, at month’s end, is also useful in helping us all be on the same page. That podcast is always archived, so you can watch later, if you can’t join us live. It’s also always posted on the DD facebook page for ease in finding. I’m in daily prayer that our direction and focus will be just where He would have it to be.
(Any woman who joins the study before October 15th will have plenty of time to catch up and be with the group, but get as many as you can to jump in now!)
Now unto God and our Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen (Philippians 4:20).
(photo credit: Rebecca Jenkins Richardson)