Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

First-Ever DIG-A-BIT Audio Podcast

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Today is the day! The first-ever installment of DIG-A-BIT, the Digging Deep audio podcast, airs today. You can find it at beginning at 9 AM. It’s just about 16 minutes long and the plan is to have four audio podcasts to accompany each month of the study. I hope you can take the time to go and listen to a short discussion about the price (in pieces of silver) of that innocent blood at Calvary 2000-plus years ago.

Remember, for study completion, listen OR watch. But it’s really GREAT if you can do both, since they are recorded separately and contain materials that supplement one another. So go ahead, in the next 12 months, and download a few gigabits of DIG-A-BITS!

In other news, I got a letter this week from a woman who was waiting in a drive-thru line at a fast food restaurant. The driver behind her got aggravated and began to yell at and berate her for failing to to pull up quickly enough. This Christian woman got frustrated and answered him back in a tone that was, admittedly, unkind and not Christlike. The closer she got to the window to receive her food, the worse she felt about her behavior. She grabbed a greeting card she’d purchased for someone else from the seat beside her and wrote a kind and meek apology. She paid for dinner for the man behind her and asked the cashier to deliver the news that his meal had been purchased along with the card of apology. She said she got the idea from this blog. That made me smile all over. Kudos to this woman who thought fast enough to take advantage of an opportunity to make things fully right…an opportunity that almost certainly would not have happened at a later time.

I’m so very thankful for the blood of Jesus that keeps on cleansing if we keep on walking in the light (I John 1:7) or driving through the light in a fast food window lane!

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