Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Drumroll, Please!…

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The lucky winners of the Holiday Contest at the Colley House are: 

Sareena Morrow

Carol Laney

Marsha York

Erica Grieves

Tracy Parsons

Congratulations! Watch your inbox for your digital gift card!

Each of these five ladies will receive via email, a gift certificate containing a code to be used at our online store here: They can be used toward the purchase of any item(s) in the store. Best of all, I will share, in the next few days, the recipes and their stories. I love God’s women and I love how the keepers at home command (Titus 2:3-5) is so interwoven with our spiritual lives in Him. I’ll share a couple of “honorable mentions”, too!

Here’s the first winning recipe from Sareena Morrow: 

Chicken and Dumplins

You will need:

1 whole chicken





Boil chicken in a large soup pot. Remove chicken and set aside when fully cooked. Keep broth.

In a large bowl, mix some flour and water, making a dough. If too sticky add more flour. Roll out dough flat on a floured surface, cut into squares, if too thick you can flatten more to make bigger dumpling squares. Make more dough as needed. Once you have a good amount of dumplings, get the broth cooking again and slowly drop in dumplings. The broth will thicken the more you add. Stir occasionally. Cut chicken into bite size pieces and add in with the dumplings. Add some salt and pepper. Serve hot. Salt and pepper more to taste.

This is a special food of comfort to me because it reminds me of my Granny Lucy. She used to make this probably every week before she got sick. She was also a member of the Lord’s church. I’m looking forward to seeing her again in heaven one day.

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