This is Digging Deep writing week. So here’s the little annual excerpt from the big topic that’s rolling around in my head during every conscious moment. I remind myself often that Digging Deep is not “my thing.” It’s such a blessing from God that we get to do this together. Most of all, the study is a blessing from God, the Holy Spirit. Holy men of God spoke as they were borne along of Him (2 Peter 1:21). Every word of the book I’m reading this week was breathed of God (2 Timothy 3:16). And the book gives us the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). Please talk to the Father about next year’s study. If you could pray for quiet moments to prepare, for efficient proofing and printing and for hearts tender to this study. As the time approaches, please invite. This is a great study for those who’ve never become New Testament Christians–who have never put on Jesus (Galatians 3:27) And, for now, stay focused on “The Ten.” You’ll be glad if you finish. The best is yet to come! The best is always yet to come when we are in the Lord, the finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2).
Here’s a snippet:
Sometimes we think in big terms of commitment, when we might do better to think incrementally. Examples:
“I can kick this habit right now, for all of my life,” vs. “I can make it through this one day without succumbing to this desire.”
“I am going to read the whole Bible once every year for the rest of my life,” vs. “I am going to spend twenty minutes on Digging Deep each day this week.”
“I will never disrespect you again,” vs. “I am going to make it through this day speaking only in respectful terms to my husband.”
“I am never going to shout at my children again,” vs. “Today I am going to make it my goal to speak gently while disciplining consistently.”
“I will never gossip again,” vs. “I am going to tell my friend prior to this lunch that I am repenting of this sin and I am not going to speak negatively about any sisters while we are together today.”
Thanks for praying. I am praying for you today, too!