Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Digging Deep Israel: Packing and Prep!…Special Meeting on the 12th of May

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For those of you who may be missing your regular evening service on Sunday, the 12th of May, in order to be on the flight for Israel that departs around five o’clock from Nashville, we will be meeting at the Southern Hills building at 1:00 p.m. for a service that will be rich and prayerful. The teacher for this service will be Glenn Colley. I’m sure there will be few in attendance, but we would LOVE to have any of the pilgrims (and anyone else, of course, who’d like to be there!). It will be a time of reflection and anticipation and faithful worship to the One Who is blessing our travels.

I’m thinking a lot these days about the Digging Deep devotionals we will be having at those ancient sites and I am in awe that we will be worshiping with God’s people in Nazareth in just 10 days on the first day of the week. Surely we will be walking and worshiping in spots very near the ones that were extremely familiar to a little boy, who was/is the Lord, as he grew up in that small and nondescript little town. Maybe we will see the brow of the hill where he escaped when the locals were trying to thrust him over in Luke 4.

What’s most amazing to me is that we have the opportunity to do this with Christian guides; people who will not be telling us a lot of Catholic tradition as truth or falsely identifying sites for commercial purposes. We will be learning and absorbing truth in a place that will surely make many studies and passages come to life even more vibrantly than before.

It’s an exciting time at the Colley house (and VERY busy, too!)

The address for the 1:00 pm (CST) meeting is here. We will be finished in time to make it to the airport punctually. ope you can come sing and pray and study with us!

Southern Hills Church of Christ –2508 Goose Creek Bypass, Franklin, TN–37064


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