Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Digging Deep in Spanish! Please Share!

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Many thanks to Marlon and Jacky Retana, for the beginnings of this year’s edition of Digging Deep in Spanish. There is a large constituency of Christian women in the U. S. and in her neighboring countries who have access to far fewer study materials than do most readers.  I am hoping the Retanas are able to continue translating and that the entire study will soon be available as a free download for these sisters. (Please know that Jacky and Marlon are receiving no financial compensation for this translation work and all of the technical work that must be done to make the study available.)

I hope you may be able to direct your Spanish-speaking sisters to this page and that they may begin the study along with you. I believe firmly that there is no sincere and seeking Bible study that does not produce practical good in our lives and families. So let’s say a hearty “Gracias!” to the Retanas who are working in the kingdom in Panama and, through translation work like this one, are working in lots of Spanish speaking communities and in congregations in many of our neighborhoods.

I’m tagging away today to my personal friends whose first language is Spanish. I’m trusting those sisters to make the tags in Spanish to sisters who speak very little English. I hope you can think of at least one person to tag. To date, there have been several women who have given their lives to Christ as a result of Digging Deep. There are also many who have been taught in  other personal Bible studies and are now depending on Digging Deep groups for the growth that they so desperately need as babies in Him. A simple tag might be an important connection for a sister. I spoke yesterday on the phone while at the grocery store with a Spanish speaking sister who called with a spiritual question. Today, I can link her to a study that will have the answer for which she was looking. God is good in His mighty Providence.  Together we can spread this word! Together we can spread HIS WORD!

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