I’ve been pretty excited about this. The Gospel from Ground Zero, the brand new men’s Digging Deep study launches, alongside the eight-year-old women’s study, tomorrow. Caleb Colley has been working early and late to launch this study. I’m convicted, of course, about the power of the Word to change families and make the church stronger. I’m especially excited to see more organized study among the dads in our families. So many heartaches are happening in the hearts of women who struggle with submission in the home and, sometimes, it’s because we live in a world that’s trying hard to confuse the roles–stripping men of the godly leadership that’s vital for holiness in homes. The way to grow Godly leaders is by getting in the Word. Getting in the Word is the way we grow obedient faith in hearts and in all aspects of our Christianity (Romans 10:17). We cannot overestimate the power of the Holy Spirit, through the Word, to make us stronger–better equipped to do battle with the devil’s forces that would careen our homes. I hope women of God will share this with Christian (and non-Christian) men in their congregations and communities. Some precious children are in for a wonderful gift from heaven when their fathers grow in the Word. Here’s the link: http://www.calebcolley.com/new-digging-deep-study-for-men-the-gospel-from-ground-zero/