Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Cindy Colley on Homeschooling–On Sale for a Limited Time!

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Are you a homeschooling mom who’s feeling a bit (or a lot) overwhelmed by the task of choosing curriculum and planning its use for the next school year? Maybe you’ve never homeschooled before and you feel like its the most daunting prospect of your life, so far? I’m hearing this a lot–in private messages and as I peruse mom groups. I’m even hearing it from my daughter!

This book’s for the faint-of-heart homeschooling mom. I’m marking it down today, for a limited time, for all those moms who are getting ready for the most rewarding educational adventure of your lifetime. The curriculum market is constantly changing…broadening (and, in many ways, improving), so this book is not primarily to help you pick out textbooks. This book is to give new home-educating moms (who are Christians) the big picture that builds confidence in ability and clarity of goals. It’s more of a Titus 2 kind of encouragement for God’s woman in the homeschooling home. I want our kids to grow up to glorify Him, above all else. That’s the message of my book about homeschooling. But, in that process of glorification, I also tried, through the book, to offer a lot of encouragement and ideas for making your home a great school; not because I know all the answers, but because I found my God so faithful in providing all I needed to educate our children at each juncture of the journey.

Here’s a little more info in a review I just found while clicking around:

So for the next couple of weeks, Let’s lower the price from $14.50 to just $9.00. That’s a savings of a little more than 30%. So now’s the time…for your own school, for the school your grandkids will be rocking, for the friend who’s struggling with “keeping on.” We’ve got this. With the help of a God who gave us that great Deuteronomy 6, four-times-a-day-principle of homeschooling (and of all schooling), you’ve got this!

And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.


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