Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

ACTS and the Great New Testament Church! Start Digging!

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Hope you’ve already started on the book of Acts if you’re Digging Deep! The plan is to read the book through and make the salvation chart as you read through examples of conversion to Christianity in the book. I’m convicted that if we do what they did in the infancy of the church, we will be what they were as a result—just Christians. I do not want to be a Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, Lutheran, Episcopal, or Presbyterian because when I finish reading the New Testament, I come up shy of knowing how to do that. I, for sure, do not want to be a “Church of Christ.” (I am pretty big, but not that big!) I want to be a Christian, a disciple (Acts 11:26), a member of Christ’s church (Matthew 16:15,16), one of those who have been called according to His purposes (Romans 8:28). I want to be among the saved (Acts 2:47).

Here’s an idea of how your chart will appear:

Speaking of that blood-bought institution, I am excited about her future. My husband, Glenn, is an elder in the Lord’s church at West Huntsville. We received the following letter in the mail from one of our sweet children, Marli. It was in her own handwriting and decorated with colored pencils. It makes my heart sing! Enjoy.

Dear Mrs. Colley,
Thank-you for the dress. I can’t wait to where it. It looks very pretty. I love the color. I think white is a lovely color. I hope I don’t get stan’s on it. My mom is going to buy me some new shoes.

I know Mr Colly worrys about our church. Please tell him not to worry because we kids will grow up good and take care of things.


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