Here’s from a mom who has/is raising eleven children for the Lord. Her comments are given in the classic Titus 2 spirit. I love it when we really do the “older- women- teaching- younger- women” thing God wants us to do. Read it and reap!
I wanted to make a short comment about Bible Time. Things are so crazy with work and babies and just survival at times and it can be a little overwhelming for young families to do a lot of preparation for Bible Time. We have done what I call systematic reading through the years and had discussions. We have done many of the things you mentioned too. Our time was a little less structured perhaps. Lawrence would choose a book of the Bible to read at night (we continued each time with the same book until it was completed) and discuss with the kids (they were allowed to ask questions, etc.), sometimes we would sing and we usually prayed too. When we had a lot of little ones they would recite their memory work when I put them to bed or lunch time. Lawrence would tell stories when he put them to bed too. We would use car time to recite memory work as well as sing. So most of our years we have used just the Bible for our family Bible time and used other resources for other times. This made it very doable for our family. I am amazed at what young children can pick up straight from the scriptures. Also, as a mom at home I would read the Proverbs at lunch time.