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Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

It’s August! 1-2-3 Go!…1-2-3 Things

  1. It’s August. There’s one simple challenge in the Digging Deep Study for the month of August. Find someone who may be interested in a Bible study, engage her in conversation and ask her if she would like to study with you. It can be anybody…a sister in the Lord, a co-worker, a neighbor. I’m just hoping we can all begin to feel comfortable saying the words “Would you like to study the Bible with me?” I have several friends who have become very adept at saying this and it’s making a huge difference. They are bringing souls to the Lord. Often, that’s making a generational difference in families and it’s for sure making an eternal difference. This part is optional, but I would love to hear about these studies. I would love to be encouraged. It would give our Digging Deep study a shot in the arm as we launch the study for our new year beginning in September. Be sure to come to the “unveiling” of the new Digging Deep study at Polishing the Pulpit or catch it here on the blog at the end of August. I’m excited about the theme and the direction of the new study. All of the study development is still rolling around in the small space that’s my mind, so I would love to have your input.
  2. This Saturday, I will be speaking at Woodson Chapel in Nashville for their annual Girl’s Day. The topic is “Hidden in Christ”. If you are in that area, I would love to see you there. I’m impressed with the line-up of classes and activities, as well as our chance to be together for the keynote. I’m excited. Be sure to let them know if you are coming, though. (
  3. Have you ever gotten frustrated because you got a bill in the mail and then gotten angry at the postman for bringing it? Have you ever gotten mad at the cat and kicked the dog? Have you ever had a bad day at work and taken it our on your spouse when you got home? Do you get mad at the mechanic because you burned up your transmission? Sometimes we spew forth venom about what’s grinding our gears on the wrong folks. Sometimes we’re not really mad at the one who voiced a truth. Sometimes we’re really angry at the truth itself.

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