Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley Featured

Don’t Miss This Bundle! $25 for 2025!

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Last minute Christmas or gifts for giving throughout 2025! Choose any four of the following books and get them all for $25.00 just in time for ’25!  We hope something in this stack can encourage someone you know in a heavenward direction. So pick any four of the following–any combination–and get them–ALL FOUR– for just $25.00 plus shipping. Offer is good while supplies last or through January 31, 2025. Go ahead while we have them! You can do it multiple times over for a super-reduced price for a digging deep class! Or you can hand-pick 4 gifts for giving throughout the year. These will not be this inexpensive again in ’25! We hope your ’25 is blessed and all for His glory!

Poems, Prayers and Promises Daily Planner

The Ten ( Digging Deep study)

The Hour has Come (Digging Deep study)

GUARD (teen and college boys’ study)

Cindy Colley on Homeschooling

The Crown (Digging Deep study)

Depending on what you choose, the prices reflect varying substantial savings off of original prices. Some combinations are, in the bundle, almost 2/3 off of original prices! Click here to order.

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