Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

On the First Day of Digging Deep

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On the first day of Digging Deep, a Digger said to me… A new deluxe edition for me…

It’s just days till digging deep reveal and I got the books today!…the new bound editions of the 2024-25 Digging Deep study and I can’t wait to get started. Today, in fact, marks the 12-day countdown to reveal moment at PTP and via video on the Digging Deep in God’s Word facebook page. I hope you are making plans to study along. It’s going to be great, because God’s Word never fails! When heaven and earth pass away, His Word will abide (Mark 13:31). Get into the pages of the text that will still be around after every other book’s been thrown in a big fire. You can study via many methods, but we are happy anytime you choose to dig with us. 

And speaking of exciting things at PTP…last year in the six-year-old class, Colleyanna was given a “silent book” reviewing the materials she studied in class. That little book was amazing and Colleyanna still treasures it. Miss Maxine Knoll, her teacher on the kids’ hall last year, creates these little books and this year, she’s making these handmade treasures available to your children at her exhibit hall table at PTP! I know you’re going to want to stop by early, because these will not last long. 

I asked my sister, Maxine, an astute digger, to tell me a little more about these books. Here’s what she said. I’m including some photos, too. 

I have 2 books and I will show you samples of each book.  I call my books “silent books” because the child can look at them and they are not noisy.  I try to use several senses to keep them interested.  The first book is just books of the Bible.  I apply stickers to each page and then the child has room to apply any stickers of their choice.  The colorful pages will hopefully help them remember the books of the Bible.  The second book is my “story book”. I have tried to write stories that use the lesson application.  I have many pages with pages of stickers that the child can apply. 

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