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Teen Boys

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

A MUST for Teen Boys and Dads/Mentors of Teen Boys!

Soldiers-7Register for this! I know there are lots of conflicts and just “stuff” the world puts in the way of amazing opportunities for His glory, but I would have LOVED it if a boy’s purity day had been a “thing” when my son was a teen. See, for too long, we expected our kids to make good choices…to build fences around their sexual purity…without really giving them much information about how to protect themselves against the barrage of dangerous messages and temptations the devil subtly places in their paths every day.  Sometimes we were embarrassed to talk about sex. Sometimes we were busy. And sometimes, we were just ignorant of what the devil was doing. But Satan was ramping up his game while we failed to put strategies in place for the purity of our kids. We just pretended they could come out on the good side of the devil’s tactics with little or no guidance.

Then we started getting it. Every now and then, we now hear about girls’  purity days. I’ve seen a lot of good come from them. I’ve seen moms and daughters start dialoguing together and setting loving systems of accountability in place. I’ve seen girls make commitments to be pure…commitments that they kept till they entered God-approved marriages. I’m watching these same girls, now moms themselves, do a much better job of addressing the practicalities of purity–modest dress, godly entertainment choices, computer protection, etc…–than did their mothers before them.

But somehow we still neglected to have similar opportunities for boys. Time and again,  I’ve had moms of boys ask about/request programs–purity days–for boys.  They are still almost unheard of and I cringe when I think about the good we could be doing with such events, even if it is a fraction of what we see resulting from similar girls’ programs.

I hope if you are “Mom” to a teen boy, you will think of how you might get him to this event at the West Huntsville church–with his father, with a buddy or with a whole group of buddies from your congregation or community. It won’t be a “girly” event. It will be about being real men of God–soldiers battling Satan– and shouldering individual responsibilities to counter the culture when it comes to morality. It will be invaluable sessions, including a question and answer session, fellowship/activity break-out times and lunch together. Free housing is available.

So register now. This day, April 30, 2016,  might just start a dialogue that will save your family a lot of heartache down the road as huge life decisions are made.  It might even help reserve  your son’s seat around the throne. Register here:  And if you can’t do this, do something!  Statistically, he won’t be okay without help from you!

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Sister to Sister: Battlefield Heroes–Teen Boys Protecting Purity

12494653_651034511389_5979043142628718031_nFinding quality programs that help our kids to stay sexually pure through the teen years is not as easy as finding activities that encourage impurity these days. Finding a seminar that encourages both sexual purity and purity of heart is an even more formidable challenge. To locate a venue that offers both of these things in a doctrinal context that you’d feel good about is almost unheard of. And to find one that’s for boys…well, if you have teen boys,  that’s something you don’t want to miss. Finding all of this at no cost, with free food and lodging to boot…well…go ahead and make it a road trip or even a plane trip.

It happens once every four years at West Huntsville and THIS IS THE YEAR! The devil wants to overexpose your boys to sex in all the wrong contexts and under-prepare them for his assault on the family as we’ve known it thoughout our American history. We can and must do battle with him to enable our boys to courageously defend virtue and honor in all of their relationships.

So go ahead. Make the small investment to be sure your husbands and sons make this happen. Send your congregation’s boys, with a mentor, on the church van. Bring a big group to spend the night in a godly home and then attend the sessions. Finding resources right now are so much better than finding you have regrets later. Help your boys to happiness. I hope you can help those boys get their driver’s licenses. Maybe you can enable them to score so high on the ACT that they get great college scholarships. Maybe you can purchase all the right equipment and make sure your son gets the training to excel in his sport of choice. Maybe it’s an elite education or an internship that you can provide. I hope you can maximize talents and minimize obstacles. But remember: None of these can prepare your son in the most important way. The most important preparation is wrought in his heart. I hope you can put in some extremely valuable hours toward the protection of your son’s most valuable commodity. Here’s what you need:

Battlefield HEROES

–Protecting Purity–

A Seminar for Young Men

6th-12th Grade

Saturday, 30 April 2016

0830 – 1430

Guest Speaker: Jeremy Hall

Minister, Millview church of Christ


• 2 Lessons by Jeremy Hall

• 3 Breakout Sessions

Q & A session with Jeremy Hall for all attendees

Submit your questions today!

Light Breakfast and Registration begins at 8:30 am in the lobby

Lunch will be served

Click Here to Register