Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Sister to Sister: PTP Pinnacle (and shirts and mugs)

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11891891_10153223399279069_8485087777444861017_oPolishing the Pulpit 2015 is history and we have been to the pinnacle of fellowship, study, singing and restoration—perhaps, the pinnacle this side of eternity. You just need to plan now for next year and make it a financial and scheduling priority. You can go to heaven without going to PTP, of course. It’s just more difficult to imagine heaven if you’ve not enjoyed fellowship this sweet on time’s side of eternity. I’m so blessed to have the greatest family surrounding and blessing me there;  and then to have my physical family with me at PTP is icing on the cake!11218835_1629664520583902_8069685276907420456_n

All of the Colley-Giselbach gang came back to our hotel room and scrunched into one hotel room for the afternoon, after most of you left, and took a long and much-needed nap. Ezra woke up all smiles and ready to go again. So it was out for pizza and dessert at the Chocolate Monkey. Caleb bought chocolates for his mother (He knows the way to my heart!), and Ben just edged out Hannah in a bean bag toss. We missed having Rebekah tonight, but next year, she’ll get to stay with us for the whole week, too.  Already, we can’t wait!

Of course the new Digging Deep study was announced here last Tuesday. I’m hoping you’re diligently inviting sisters and friends to join in. It’s a small window of the year in which you can very easily and effectively evangelize through this group by inviting new participants. I hope you’re making your list. I’m praying for a year of significant growth and strength for our families and congregations as a result. God can do big things through little people like us!11890916_10152975372256384_186018545480327946_n

Several sisters came on stage as finishers of the study that concludes on August 31st and they were awarded these pretty green and coral Digging Deep shirts.
One sister, Pam Christopher, of Pulaski, Tennessee was present who has completed every last bit of all four years of the study. I loved handing her the first
11953233_10152977418671384_9093695292831496660_nbrand new Digging Deep travel mug. Nobody studies, of course, for these teeny prizes, but it’s a fun way to say “Thanks for the encouragement and leadership in study.”

If you want a shirt and mug, there’s a special PTP price happening now.  The final day to order shirts will be September 18th. Mugs will be sold until all gone at $12.00 each.


I don’t have a t-shirt yet, but am excited to get mine in the next batch, along with any of you who order. So take a look.

May I just finally say that I do not know how or why I get to be blessed by the encouragement of hundreds of the best people on the planet, but I remain deeply thankful for my sisters around the world who keep on praying for me and studying the Word with me and raising up children and grandchildren for His service. There are great challenges coming our way at the hands of the devil through those people who are given to humanism and relativism in our post modern culture. 11934957_10153223401374069_98564377511046029_nI am so thankful for the strength that we muster together as women of God serving our husbands and families for His great Cause today.11057325_10153223402374069_621797771850264280_n

So go! Take the Digging Deeper dare for 2015-2016. You’ve got this!11896250_10152977036441384_3876974688294082380_n

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