Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Guest Writer: Sami Nicholas

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To a Hero and Friend

While searching for something in my Dad’s bedroom the other day, I noticed this letter on his desk. In the hand, of my sister, Sami, it describes a hero. His generation has been called the greatest one, but the greatest of the greatest generation were/are its Christians. Thanks, Sami, for the reminder of some blessings of heroism that few families know. Happy Father’s day to the real heroes. Here’s the letter:

Dear Daddy,

I just wanted to let you know that you are one of the best men I know. You, in so many ways, are a hero in my eyes.

I’m so blessed that, as I grew up, I never felt afraid of my father like some children do. I am so proud that my father would come home and eat a sandwich in the car to make it to a gospel meeting instead of stopping by the bar. My father couldn’t buy me everything that some other children had, but he made me things that no other children had. My father taught me the value of pinching a penny and the responsibility of giving it away. My father taught me to love simple things, but not to be afraid of complicated things. Most of all, he taught me to love God and respect all things that pertain to Him.

I’m so blessed to have such a wonderful grandfather to my children…A grandfather who could make them believe that they were the best (and make them strive to be so) because he said it so often. In the midst of aging and physical difficulties, my children’s grandfather, maintained a twenty acre farm for them to enjoy. He kept a pool, built wagons and toy boxes, made basketball courts, and purchased golf carts, solely for their enjoyment. He encouraged them in every spiritual endeavor and inquired about their success. His home has been, and will be, a haven of comfort for them and me– not because of all these amenities (though they are so enjoyable), but because he is there….My hero is there.

I know you’ve never been a man to leave lights on, but when you get to heaven, should you go there first, leave the light on for me….After all, you helped show me the way. I can’t wait to see the heaven we will have there.

You’re my hero and my friend. I love you and I treasure our time together.


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